To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
Almost any field you drove past this week had a tractor in it. Whether they were planting or working up the ground farmers had a busy week. Although most farmers now use no-till or low-till methods of crop farming to help with soil erosion among other things you will still see ground being worked by certain types of equipment. The saying "Make hay while the sun shines" also applies to planting. The past week was incredibly busy around here. I will confess it did not affect me other than running back and forth to the fields. Corn was planted, then sprayed, a few loads of pigs went out, and a new group of chickens had just come in. All while cows needed milked 3 times a day.
I know people can get frustrated when they're running late for work or where ever they may be going and get stuck behind a tractor. Try and remember its not the farmer's fault your running late. they are working so all you have to do is grab what you want at the store to eat. I'm a farmer's wife and even I have been guilty when by my own fault I was running late (I usually am) and got behind a tractor and got more worked up. That said I know it's not their fault its mine.
Nowadays farming is a hot topic. So many opinions on how it should or shouldn't be done what is safe and what isn't. Some of these topics can lead to heated discussions or even angry debates. I get it, we love our families and we care about what is safe and what isn't. Like I said if you live near farms you probably saw the equipment in the fields this week some of which were sprayers. The should they or shouldn't they when it comes to what is sprayed on fields can be a real issue for some. While everyone is entitled to their opinions before you pass judgment or get angry do yourself and the farmers of America a favor, ask a farmer! Do not ask Alexa, Google, or even see what your favorite celebrity thinks. Surprise! farmers do not even all agree on how things should be done. If you have a concern just ask. Most farmers are more than happy to explain and answer questions.
It was also another week of online learning for my oldest. This week she was thrilled when her teacher said she could show a peep during the weekly video chat. There stood my very proud five year old as she showed a few classmates and her teacher a cute little peep. The jaw drops and shocked looks when she informed them she had about 180,000 that she helped put in when we got them was priceless and adorable. Just two more weeks of online learning and, she nailed it!!!! She stuck it out and did a great job. The School year will be done and back to the barn we will go. The kids are excited, well the two that are old enough to understand and I'm just as excited if not more than them.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
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