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Here's to another seven years

I woke up Sunday morning about 2 weeks ago after a restful nights sleep next to the man of my dreams. Kids were all still quietly laying in there beds and I thought wow this is exactly how I thought things would be after 7 amazing years of marriage. Just kidding here is how the morning really went. I wake up to my door slamming into the wall and my two year old yelling mom I want some milk where is my sippy cup! It was about 5 am not crazy early but I had been up about every hour with the baby, Blake's alarm started going off at 3 am and every few minutes after till about 3:30. So not exactly the greatest wake up call after a restful 2 hours of sleep. I rolled over and looked at our wedding photo hanging on the wall and thought oh geez I looked so young what is happening to me!!!! I got out of bed got her a sippy cup of milk and sent her back to bed, but no surprise she was thinking it was time to be up for the morning. Blake had already been out working for several hours so the kids and I decided to make Daddy a good hot breakfast. I was finishing getting us all ready for church and in walks the man of my dreams (this part is true) with an amazing bouquet of flowers. I cant believe it has been 7 years already. We are blessed to have witnessed marriages way longer than ours but in today's world 7 years is kinda a big deal especially since we met and were married in about a year. It has been a journey for sure full of ups and downs, several moves , the sudden death of a sibling, 3 high risk pregnancies that resulted in 3 beautiful children, deciding to quit my job, and on and on. Marriage is not easy but it is so worth it. We are still trying to figure it out some days but we're learning as we go. I still look back on our wedding day and smile. It was so much fun. Our familes went out of there way to make that day special for us. From the ceremony in the little white church I grew up in to the huge white tent in my in - laws yard. Although perfect in many ways still one of the hardest days of my life. It was the first time I had to do something without my dad that no matter what no one could truly replace him. It wasn't like learning to drive or graduation, I had to pick someone else to walk me down the isle. Thankfully I am the only girl in my family and I have to sweet younger brothers who took on the task of walking me down the isle. Blake surprised me and danced the father daughter dance with me in memory of my dad. Some how my hopes of a small wedding were thrown out the window pretty fast, we both have large families but it made it that much more fun. Anyone who knows me will tell you i'm not the best planner i'm not a list maker or anything and Blake can just fly by the seat of his pants and go with the flow. If it wouldn't have been for our families we would have had an interesting day. But it was the perfect wedding day for us and it has lead us to were we are today. We have so much to be thankful for and I look forward to what God has in store for us this next year. 


  1. So much wisdom and beauty shared from a strong beautiful young mother. I Love It.
    Janie (Mom)


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