There are a million memes, comments, and thoughts on 2020. For some, the year was harder than others. For all the jobs lost, overworked, and stressed out health care workers, teachers, and parents turned teachers. For all those whose jobs may have gone unnoticed but suddenly the rest of the world realized were most important. I'm sure many are ready to kiss 2020 goodbye. We were one of those who people suddenly realized had essential jobs. Remember trying to get milk and eggs at the store and you were told to limit how much you got. Meanwhile, we watched thousands of gallons of milk dumped right into a big pit of you know what. Like the rest of the world, we tried to make sense of it all and had many questions.
Not all of 2020 was bad however, many learned the value of spending time with family and friends, something that was maybe taken for granted. The importance of helping out someone in need, or seeing the person stocking shelves at the grocery store in a whole new light.
For some, they will remember 2020 for reasons that have nothing to do with a virus, shutdowns, or lack of toilet paper. It will be the year they remember losing a loved one or other heartbreaks. For some, they will remember the Joy of saying their wedding vows or having a child. In some ways good or bad it was like any other year.
Our year too started off with a few setbacks and some heartbreak that lead us to make some big decisions and changes.
Last week we had what in my opinion is the best part of winter, a snowstorm! I absolutely love snow! My kids were not the only ones out playing in it by 7:45am the next morning. It also got me thinking, even though the world is focusing on saying goodbye to a tough year there was still so much to be thankful for. Seeing everything covered in a blanket of white snow right before Christmas seemed so fitting. We are getting ready to celebrate Jesus' birth who then would die on the cross to wash away our sins and make us white as snow. Although the snow is almost gone so is 2020. May we remember the meaning of Christmas and look to a brighter future.
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