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Showing posts from May, 2020


  To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.  A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 Almost any field you drove past this week had a tractor in it. Whether they were planting or working up the ground farmers had a busy week. Although most farmers now use no-till or low-till methods of crop farming to help with soil erosion among other things you will still see ground being worked by certain types of equipment. The saying "Make hay while the sun shines" also applies to planting. The past week was incredibly busy around here. I will confess it did not affect me other than running back and forth to the fields. Corn was planted, then sprayed, a few loads of pigs went out, and a new group of chickens had just come in. All while cows needed milked 3 times a day.    I know people can get frustrated when they're running late for work or where ever they may be going and get stuck behind a tra...


Flowers, jewelry, breakfast in bed. As Mother's Day approaches the focus on the perfect gift is everywhere. Even in my home  the question of  what do I want for Mother's Day  has been asked . This year it made me stop and think. While we  are told  as moms we deserve a day all about us  to be  catered to and given gifts maybe, just maybe there is more to it. Mother's Day is not always a day to celebrate. For some the day is difficult and painful. To the woman who longs to be a mother and is struggling with infertility. To the woman who lost a child or only held her baby for a few minutes. To the woman who never knew her mother. To the woman living in fear for nine months begging God for a healthy baby due to a high-risk pregnancy. To the woman who is pouring her love into an adopted or foster child To the woman told she can't have more children because she would be putting her life at risk To the woman who has lost her mother. ...


      The words "what should we do", coming out of my husbands mouth as he sat head down looking at the weather app on his phone. I kinda laugh, because let's be honest I knew he was thinking out loud, not actually asking for my  advice  when it came to if they should or shouldn't mow rye. The rye needed mowed now or its going to get old, but if we mow we risk it getting rained on for the next week. Neither option is exactly ideal and can effect the quality when it's turned into feed for the cows. Not long after this conversation I see the mower going past. He came home at 2 am the next morning, he had gotten it all mowed this also meant he had just pulled a 22 hour day. Thankfully it did not get rained on for a week, it was chopped and in the trench before the rain. The do we or don't we with the field work the last few weeks has been ongoing. The weather has been kinda strange for May. ...